Living under a degenerate government is like wearing scratchy underwear: No matter what you do each moment of each day lacks pleasure.

I am a globalism anarchist. I’m comfortable with the term, though you might not be. Since it’s my label, I’ll tell you how I use it. It doesn’t mean I want no government outside of self-government. I have no problem with representative governance when we actually have it (we don’t). I take exception with self-representative government where office holders ignore constitutional proscriptions, pander to their own base desires and surround themselves with cronies doing much the same.

If this were confined to a single nation, where those in office routinely serve themselves at the expense of their public, it would be bad enough. That it describes almost every government on the planet makes it abysmal. That these governments march in lockstep with global agencies like the UN, the WHO and the WEF makes it all profoundly absurd.

This is the globalism I detest. To this then, I am an anarchist. I refuse to conform to these collectivist standards and agendas.

Now you know: Don’t exert yourself attempting to mischaracterize me.

Mine is a common man’s viewpoint, but I know I’m not alone. Others share my perspective too. And if some remnant of history in which I’m mostly forgotten judges me as a wild-eyed dreamer, so be it. I write to incentivize the reader to consider the state of Дмεяικα today and to care about the direction it’s headed tomorrow.

Many People living in the US ask, “What’s so bad about it?” Others arriving here from totalitarian regimes have a better question: “What makes it so good?”

Whether coming or going, you could see it either way. It’s really about the perspective you bring to the table.

The way I see it, the country is on a downward power slide and the grade is steep. The relatively little freedom we enjoy right now isn’t because we’re blossoming and moving forward. The nation began with such exceeding rich and abundant prosperity, and it hasn’t yet been fully siphoned off.

That’s why we have what we have: It’s residue, not new growth.

Tomorrow or next month or a year from now, we will have less, and the rate of decay is not linear. During their lifetime our grandparents lost some liberty, but that’s nothing compared to what their grandchildren have forfeited. The erosion has accelerated with each generation: It gets worse faster.

We, two generations down the road, have witnessed many things many of us are not emotionally prepared to deal with. A POTUS in his person and in his family who is so openly degenerate morally, and so deficient mentally, is not what grassroots Americans expect from their chief executive. We expect better because we feel we deserve it. And that’s not an entitlement mentality. The implied moral contract is that the office holder should not only be good but good for us: a person of character who benefits the country.

But this is so far from what we have, and so we fall back into a holding pattern of let’s-wait-and-see. And that’s as far as it goes. We just can’t rouse ourselves to address the things we say we care about.

Somebody else will fix it. Or not. We have other things to do.

Our apathy demands we do nothing to assuage our circumstances while our lethargy guarantees it. And our vanity insists we’re not at fault.

There are some in a generation or two younger than mine who have no issue with the tawdry conditions of a free society, so-called. Banalities such as 1) unverifiable elections, 2) questionable audits, 3) forced medical interventions and 4) sold-out braindead politicians whose allegiance has been purchased by their puppet masters aren’t necessarily that bad if you’ve never known better (or if you’re consumed with figuring out which gender you are).

The older generation’s one immutable crime is that we have known better—we have lived much better and it was good—but through neglect we’ve allowed the situation to sink to its present squalor.

Not five minutes after WWII ended, the People of the world began to bicker over The Holocaust. Some decried it as the heinous event in history it was while others claimed it was all just a hoax in the first place.

So, can you imagine my frustration trying to get fellow Americans to agree on something as simple as this country’s present distress?

It’s as if we wore tatty underwear, sewn from gnarly burlap instead of combed ring-spun cotton. Tender places are constantly abraded and chafed. We’re gouged by fibers not designed for ease, no matter what activity we take part in. There’s no support and it scratches where it doesn’t itch. Instead of changing into more suitable attire we live with the discomfort.

Because we refuse to accept how bad it is.

Many are busy pursuing self-interests, making gains financially and socially. For them, monitoring government is a waste of precious time. But the fruit of their pursuits holds value only so long as nobody confiscates it. Laboring to be the best bicycle maker in the community (and enjoying the reputation thereof) is absurd when it’s clear the administration intends to outlaw cycling altogether. Or worse, when the administration gets in bed with a competitor.

Standing idly by while the ruling class rules to destroy our lives and livelihood, our peace and happiness, and our natural urge to create and improve our circumstances. Is. Insanity.

This is the kind of disconnect I hope to quash. It’s a tall order. This is me looking for community and solidarity, not an echo chamber. If this makes sense, please join me.

Hero image, caption and text are copyright 2023 by W. “Mac” McMeans