We expect the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement to eschew the vax, to resemble “conservatives” and support the Constitution, as they give lip service to all that. Accordingly, we also expect them to cast an upturned nose at candidates who are both as unconstitutional and un-conservative as they come.

Like Biden and Harris.

In light of these optics, why do the red caps warmly embrace a contender like The Don? After all, he is on record as not only demanding constitutional immunity and supporting the vax, but he brags about how quickly he got it out the door. He even claims it saves lives and cures cancer:

❝The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!❞ (7 MAR 2024)

Of course, this once-Democrat now turned Republican finds it’s not always expedient to brag about his vaccine because, well… it’s just not:

“I really don’t want to talk about it because, as a Republican, it’s not a great thing to talk about, because for some reason it’s just not.”

JUNE 2023

Just when the GOP’s boy seemed halfway warm and cogent, he pulls this out of his hat: a retort resembling the vacuous word salads dripping with the regurgitated duplicity of the other faction’s cerebral giants.

Like Biden and Harris.

Sadly or otherwise, all Don has to do is open his mouth a few times to make clear he can sound precisely like the disturbed idiots his voter base claims to despise. What is MAGA thinking?

Just win, what you believe be damned

Trump, who has been vaccinated, boosted and is proud of it, panders to the anti-vax voter base by keeping his mouth shut, not because his position has changed, but because he’s a politician.

Like Biden and Harris.

The idea is to win: Tell your fans what they want to hear. Or in this case, keep quiet about things you know they won’t swallow.

Because the MAGA peeps also want a win, they have to pretend he’s one of them. (Who else do they have?)

The red caps like to label their detractors with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). There’s just one problem: The pejorative doesn’t apply to Trump’s opposition.

It seems the mental disconnect actually belongs to “conservatives” who slavishly support a non-conservative. The cognitive dissonance befits those who claim to be constitutional but who clamor for a candidate that won’t be bound by the Constitution whatsoever.

The inconsistent conflicting beliefs originate with those who vehemently oppose forced medical interventions and the lethal vaccine while simultaneously promoting a contender who makes the creation of the vaccine a main selling point.

This has nothing to do with his detractors. It’s in the camp. It’s that good ol’ song and dance: Say you believe one thing and support a candidate who doesn’t.

We have met MAGA and it is self-deranged.

Now, politically or morally, one may evaluate Trump against many criteria and easily find he outshines the current crop of propped-up, sellout politicians.

Like Biden and Harris.

(Seriously, such a low bar isn’t saying much.)

But in foresight, Trump’s track record, braggadocio and stated intentions cannot exonerate the obvious disconnect his MAGA base has with their we-gotta-win-cuz-we-have-nobody-else-even-though-he-supports-the-vax-and-we-don’t candidate.

cite: archive.is/GJ8kx

Hero image, caption and text are copyright 2024 by W. “Mac” McMeans
MAGA: a four-letter term for TDS
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