“Free speech is a precondition for truth,” decries Vivek. Too bad he won’t practice what he preaches.

You see, if you’re under 16, then the nanny state decides who gets to speak—not you. Just how many more inalienable rights will be relegated to an age check remains to be seen, but he’s already set the precedent.

While in Iowa on the 2024 presidential campaign trail, republican presidential contender and Constitutional pretender Vivek Ramaswamy made clear he wants an outright social media ban for those under 16. Never mind the government has no authority to do so. Vivek’s regime will regulate your speech just as it is under Brandon. This will require digital IDs for social media where the State—not a parent—chooses what is and is not appropriate for children.

Ramaswamy is a fellow Buckeye and may or may not be a WEF Young Global Leader, but it’s clear is he no advocate for freedom of speech for all Americans.

The best tyrants are those who might otherwise appear decent, but in their zeal will happily impose their personal standards of justice and fairness on others, thereby achieving justice and fairness for nobody. Did you know this is a reason why the Constitution chains the power of government?

Hard pass. 🤦‍♂️


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